Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Co Op Girls - Fourth Lesson

This weeks lesson is going to focus on sunflowers and their leaves.
Sunflowers are very splashy and large and work well for many projects where you need just one or two main feature decorations and if you have to cover a large surface.
You will be learning a new technique called "pouncing" with a brush that we've not used yet in class which is called a "scruffy".
These practice sheets feature the sunflower leaves on the right and just a little sample of the sunflowers on the left, the ones that we will be doing are much bigger than these.  But take a look anyway and familiarize yourself with the technique.
Please bring with you:

  • Your brushes
  • An old shirt
  • An old cloth
If you have any questions please contact me.

Project:  Small paper box