Saturday, January 23, 2010

How To Get In The Mood To Paint

It is very important to paint in the right environment.  A well lit, comfortable environment will do a lot for your painting and your patience.  A little mood music, maybe even some scented candles can go a long way to make you relaxed and in the right mood to paint for hours.
When I took my OSCI course with Sue Gait (and Elite Instructor) she had beautiful music in the background, scented candles and a beautiful well lit studio, taking courses from her was as relaxing as a day in the spa!  I felt I could have painted for hours!
I realized that my 'studio' a kind of makeshift table in the laundry room (which was still better than taking over the dining room table and having to get everything out and put it all away every time I wanted to paint) was not conducive to painting for hours so I moved my art materials into our spare room.  Now I have an area in which I'm happy to paint and I enjoy it so much more.